When implementing transversal projects, creating a Technical Office tasked with ensuring not only the correct implementation of the project, but also change management and promoting collaboration with all those involved in the transformation project is highly recommended.
The mission of this technical office will be:
- Controlling and monitoring internal and external initiatives.
- Coordinating stakeholders involved in each of the project actions.
- Governing the programme.
- Facilitating change by involving and inspiring people.
- Promoting projects and initiatives by taking a proactive role in their design and selection.
- Offering expert support preparing studies, identifying best practices and preparing and analysing reports.
NGEU projects are subject to legislative, strategic and management developments based on the seven principles regulated under Article 2 of Order HFP/1030/2021. Open Ideas helps to establish the mechanisms for ensuring compliance with the new Management System and guaranteeing its proper application across all areas of action:
- Analysing the milestones and goals defined in the call for tenders based on which a timeline is developed and risks identified.
- Adapting actions to the Anti-Fraud Plan.
- Analysing the DNSH requirements in the call for tenders.
- Studying and ensuring compliance with the labels corresponding to each action.
- Analysing the pricing system of the authority’s contracts to ensure the compatibility of the system of subsidies and prevent duplicate financing.
- Examining the authority’s templates to ensure the adequate identification of the final recipient of the funds.
- Adapting the PST communication to the PRTR communication manuals
As well as analysing the implementation and processing of files, to guarantee their traceability, as well as adequate reporting.
- Consulting services
- Governance
Ley 9/2017, de 8 de noviembre, de Contratos del Sector Público
28 de March de 2023
29 de April de 2024
Especialistas en soluciones tecnológicas para la centralización, optimización y análisis de datos en destinos y empresas turísticas.
Además, están especializados en el tratamiento y monitorización de datos en social media, eventos, influencers y campañas de marketing en el sector turístico.