This solution is aligned with features 15 “Augmented reality and virtual reality” and 21 “Digitisation of museums and cultural/heritage spaces” of the Smart Tourism Destinations Platform.
Digital content is a mix of technological solutions that will allow the digital transformation of a space through content, and the creation of state-of-the-art experiences, and information.
The solution allows communication channels and immersive experiences to be created to issue the content organisations want to share on screens located in any space. This is an efficient, dynamic way to communicate with the target audience and provide up-to-date information in a centralised, quick and simple manner, while also enhancing the brand image and promoting products, services and information of interest.
Additionally, AR and VR experiences can be generated, where the user feels immersed in the experiences through virtual reality glasses, large-format screens, sound, etc.
To complete the project, Telefónica offers the full service, installing the hardware – whether touchscreens, video walls, LED screens, projectors, augmented reality or another option – as well as designing the digital content, offering a complete E2E solution.
- Smart Signage/Totems/Tourism Signage
- Visual/virtual environments: videomapping/virtual reality/augmented reality
- Marketing/Advertising/Promotion/Graphic design
- Technology
- E2E, realizamos consultoría para definir la experiencia digital que se quiere implementar, diseñamos, desplegamos, instalamos y damos soporte tanto remoto como insitu. Se cobra una cuota mensual por el software, el HW lo adquiere el cliente.
- Diputación de Cádiz
- Diputación de Ourense
27 de April de 2022
12 de April de 2024
Compañía de telecomunicaciones apoyada en una oferta integral y en la calidad de la conectividad proporcionada por las mejores redes fijas, móviles y de banda ancha, ofreciendo una experiencia diferencial, basada en los valores de la propia compañía y en la defensa de los intereses de los clientes.