This solution is aligned with features 63 “Tourist survey module” and 64 “Online reputation module” of the Smart Tourism Destination Platform.
Digital satisfaction surveys provide real-time information on customer satisfaction, quickly and easily, obtaining data from respondents, recording the place where it has been carried out and generating reports with all the scores. The results can be filtered.
Also, the solution displays product information or promotional campaigns while no one interacts with the survey, and sends email alerts with negative comments to notify the person responsible for the opinion before the user leaves the establishment.
The service allows multiple multilingual surveys to be carried out both by establishment and by device, as well as by location, generating results individually and in total. You can customise the type of question:
- Of smileys, choosing the number of options.
- Set answers.
- Single or multiple selection.
- Free answer through text box.
- Conditioned response.
And, of course, display the survey on any media, e.g. the client’s own website, on mobile phones within an application, by scanning a QR or on any device such as a tablet, touchscreen, etc.
- Semantic Analysis/Active Listening/Online Reputation
- Technology
El servicio es una licencia mensual con acceso a una plataforma para personalizar las encuestas y ver las estadísticas de las encuestas realizadas. Además, se puede contratar un HW: Tablet, pantalla táctil de distintos formatos para poner la encuesta en el espacio.
Diputación de Badajoz
Ayuntamiento de Toledo
Consell de Mallorca
Ayuntamiento de Almendralejo-Badajoz
Ayuntamiento de Benidorm
Diputación de Cádiz
12 de December de 2022
12 de April de 2024
Compañía de telecomunicaciones apoyada en una oferta integral y en la calidad de la conectividad proporcionada por las mejores redes fijas, móviles y de banda ancha, ofreciendo una experiencia diferencial, basada en los valores de la propia compañía y en la defensa de los intereses de los clientes.