GvSIG Online, municipal platform for geographic information management. Tourist geoportals and much more.
All the studies show that more than 80% of the information handled by a municipality has a geographical component. The municipal reality is manifested in the territory. Therefore, tools for geographic information management will result in optimised management in any municipality.
gvSIG Online is the ideal solution for territory management, a solution that can be applied to practically all the areas of local government: tourism, town planning, environment, etc.
The platform makes it possible to easily catalogue, locate and share information through web map viewers (called geoportals), both internally (restricted access information) and with citizens. Thanks to its licence to use it has no limitations, so you can generate as many geoportals as you would like. It is implemented in organisations around the world, from city councils to supranational entities.
Using gvSIG Online, it is possible to adapt the tourist inventory to the regulations (UNE 178503) to represent the different layers of GPS data.
This solution, technically called Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDE), is also a basic infrastructure for the implementation of a Smart City, and can be integrated with other municipal systems or platforms, such as the file manager.
Also, it facilitates compliance with the European Directive INSPIRE and LISIGE, its transposition into Spanish legislation; both pieces of legislation refer to access to public geographic information.
The solution includes gvSIG Mapps, an app for geopositioned data collection in the field, which works online and offline, fully integrated with the Spatial Data Infrastructure.
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Technology
Servicios de implantación tanto en modalidad SaaS (servicio en la nube) como en modalidad On-Premise (en los servidores del cliente).
Pla de Mallorca: https://mallorca.gvsigonline.com/gvsigonline/core/load_public_project/inventarituristic/
Ayuntamiento Pobla de Vallbona: https://sigpobla.gvsigonline.com/gvsigonline/
Ayuntamiento de Alzira: https://alzira.gvsigonline.com/gvsigonline/
Ayuntamiento de Cullera: https://cullera.gvsigonline.com/gvsigonline/
Ayuntamiento de Onda: https://gis.onda.es/gvsigonline/
Ayuntamiento de Xàtiva: https://xativa.gvsigonline.com/gvsigonline/
Ayuntamiento de Nàquera: https://naquera.gvsigonline.com/gvsigonline/
Gobierno de Tocantins (Brasil): https://geoportal.to.gov.br/gvsigonline/
Gobierno de Uruguay: https://www.gub.uy/infraestructura-datos-espaciales/
Presentación: http://diobma.udg.edu/handle/10256.1/6225
27 de October de 2022
10 de April de 2024