Thanks to augmented reality technology, the company has developed an innovative product: InfoPanel AR. This consists of turning a conventional physical information panel into a digital one with interactive, attractive content and a clear audiovisual and innovative focus.
Cultural heritage spaces feature informative panels to teach visitors about heritage. This panel turns them into signs, and when these are scanned with a smartphone or tablet, the augmented reality content appears. This might be a character (with a hologram-style or more realistic-looking appearance) or another item (a 3D model, a 3D object, etc.) which provides information in a novel way.
- Visual/virtual environments: videomapping/virtual reality/augmented reality
- Technology
El modelo de comercialización es B2B, ofreciéndose a entidades/instituciones para ser implementadas en espacios como herramienta de comunicación e interpretación del patrimonio
Este producto está implantado en el Real Alcázar de Sevilla, como parte del Proyecto Piloto 5G de Vodafone aplicado en este monumento.
27 de April de 2022
5 de April de 2024