Data is a key element in speeding up the transformation of cities as it improves decision-making. It also allows the status of a destination to be checked in real time, as well as making predictions and running simulations based on historic data.
The Smart Destinations strategy is based on the acquisition and analysis of data that allows for intelligent decision-making based on an action plan defined by a complex set of indicators. The information needed often either doesn’t exist, is incomplete, or depends on lots of different departments, and there is no system or method to gather and store the data. Smart Destination management goes through three stages:
- Diagnosis.
- Implementation.
- Follow-up.
NADIA DTI is a tool aimed at the managers of Smart Destinations; a central point for the collection of all the information needed to develop indicators by gathering and analysing the data acquired. NADIA DTI follows UNE 178501 standard, guaranteeing proper destination management.
NADIA DTI provides destinations with a monitoring tool that also allows initial diagnoses to be performed, and the important indicators to be focused on. It is a multi-user solution that allows goals and targets to be set. The destination’s management team can thus divide up the monitoring and supervision tasks for each indicator.
Its powerful dashboard, divided into categories, uses a traffic light system to indicate how close each goal is to being met. Moreover, thanks to its powerful graphics system, users can see how indicators evolve over time, or check real-time information about their status. The tool allows different Smart Destinations to be compared, objectives and targets to be set and the correct strategy to be established.
- Data providers
- Technology
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27 de April de 2022
10 de April de 2024
AnySolution es una PYME innovadora y dinámica que desarrolla productos, metodologías y proyectos estratégicos en los ámbitos de I+D+I, Turismo, Smart Cities, Smart Destinations, entre otros.
En el ámbito de los DTIs, AnySolution ofrece los siguientes servicios:
- Desarrollo de la estrategia de Destino Turístico Inteligente
- Elaboración y presentación de propuestas a convocatorias nacionales e internacionales
- Desarrollo de software:
- NADIA DTI: Plataforma de seguimiento de los indicadores de DTI en sus diferentes ejes, permitiendo obtener unos cuadros de mando en tiempo real y un benchmarking con otros destinos
- Plataforma IoT NADIA para dotar de inteligencia a los destinos en base a la información recogida de diferentes fuentes de datos. Análisis de datos y potente dashboard para mejorar la toma de decisiones
- NADIA Smart Logistics: plataforma de gestión eficiente de rutas, permitiendo un ahorro de tiempo, reducción de emisiones CO2, y mayor eficiencia en las rutas.