The company aims to assist cities with digitalisation through a model of public-private collaboration, integrating the different players that live side by side from the perspective of a Smart Destination or City: residents, businesses, companies and city councils.
Using Bluetooth digital signage, they have created an ambitious smart platform which is compatible anywhere in the world. This means that a change of apps for every change of location is unnecessary, and there are no issues related to mobile or GPS signals indoors.
AIM: to reactive the destination, revitalise the tourist offerings, events and commerce through digital signs; the Bluetoothbased technology platform integrates interactive information services required by tourists or locals.
- Tourist information, beaches, monuments and culture.
- Promotion of local commerce, products and services.
- Information on cultural and leisure events in the city.
- Information on wine tourism and gastronomy.
- Information on routes, hiking paths, mountains and beaches.
Multilanguage through Bluetooth technology and users’ smartphones.
Reactivating and promoting tourism and local trade through technology, boosting the economy and employment, promoting autonomy in tourism visits and consumption.
Fast implementation in a simple and cost effective way.
Currently, over 100 municipalities and more than 1,200 points of tourist interest in Spain have been digitalised and expansion in Latin America is now underway.
Compliance with the SDGs: economic growth, sustainable cities and responsible consumption.
Solutions for EU, EDUSI, GDR, FEDER and Next Generation projects.
The company won first prize for best technological initiative in Spain for boosting retail commerce in a rural environment awarded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, FEMP and Correos Labs, for introducing solutions for the development of economic and rural tourism while at the same time helping to meet several of the SDGs.
- Smart Signage/Totems/Tourism Signage
- Marketing/Advertising/Promotion/Graphic design
- Governance
- Technology
Descarga gratuita de la app desde App Store y Play Store, esta es común y compatible en cualquier lugar del mundo.
Acuerdos de colaboración con organismos públicos Turismo y Desarrollo para la Digitalización de las ciudades y el entorno Rural (en algunos municipios nuestra empresa subvenciona directamente la mayor parte de su implementación).
Comercialización mediante socios estratégicos en la Zona o Pais en exclusiva.
En la actualidad han digitalizado mediante Señalética Digital Bluetooth más de 100 municipios y más de 1.200 puntos de interés turístico en España y comenzando en proyectos en LATAM.
27 de April de 2022
4 de April de 2024
Ofrecen un conjunto de servicios mediante la tecnología Bluetooth, facilitando la comunicación con los ciudadanos y turistas, ofreciéndoles la información de su entorno ya sea comercial, turística de la ciudad o entorno rural de forma accesible e inmediata. Implementación fácil y muy rápida