This solution is aligned with feature 1 “Professional Portal: product, experience and promotion manager” and 10 “Online sales module for public services” of the Smart Tourism Destinations Platform.
Video is not only the best tool of communication, it is also the most efficient means of offering information and services to citizens.
The OTT is a “Netflix” style video platform that allows content to be played live and on demand, making it easily accessible by all citizens from any device, including Smart TVs.
The platform allows the user to upload, organise and play different videos that depict the entire tourist potential of an area, including its cultural wealth, environment, activities, leisure, parties, etc. It also has options that allow subscription or payment per view for the reproduction of cultural works. It can also be used to offer a better service to citizens for different purposes: explanation of administrative procedures, important communications and notifications, training, sports and mental health support, ticket sales, etc.
The platform includes a marketplace via which local businesses can sell their products, serving as a local virtual market with a built-in payment gateway. Using geolocation, specific promotions can be offered to visitors already in the tourist destination.
As a stand-out feature, the OTT video platform is interactive, meaning that it enables dialogue between the Administration and citizens in the form of surveys, contests, questions, access links, etc. These interactivity actions can be launched when playing the videos, allowing simple information to be provided and the citizen’s opinion about the topic discussed to be obtained.
In conclusion, people have become accustomed to a new communication language that can be consumed from any device and anywhere. The OTT video platform makes it possible to establish dialogue with citizens and visitors in an easy, omnichannel and omnitemporal way.
- Marketing/Advertising/Promotion/Graphic design
- Communication platforms/Training/Webinars
- Sales/booking platforms
- Technology
- Los proyectos de OTT se comercializan en función de diferentes variables:
- Implantación: contempla los trabajos de gestión para llevar a cabo la implantación y puesta en marcha de la plataforma. Es un pago único al inicio del proyecto.
- Licencia: se trata de un coste anual cuyo importe dependerá del alcance y funcionalidades incluidas en la plataforma.
- Gestión de contenidos: toda OTT necesita almacenar y entregar los videos para funcionar. Se trata de un coste variable que depende del número de videos subidos a la plataforma y de las horas de visualización de los videos que lleven a cabo los usuarios finales. También será importante definir la calidad (bitrate) de los videos, ya que influirá notablemente en el almacenamiento necesario y el tráfico entregado.
- Servicios: se pueden contratar diferentes servicios relacionados con la plataforma OTT, como gestión de los contenidos, dinamización de la plataforma, acciones de marketing promocional, desarrollo de funcionalidades bajo pedido, etc.
- Diputación de Ciudad Real
27 de November de 2023
12 de April de 2024
Compañía de telecomunicaciones apoyada en una oferta integral y en la calidad de la conectividad proporcionada por las mejores redes fijas, móviles y de banda ancha, ofreciendo una experiencia diferencial, basada en los valores de la propia compañía y en la defensa de los intereses de los clientes.