The solution offered is the creation of geoportals that connect visitors to the smart destination by providing realtime information. The goal of this solution is to transform data, obtained through technology platforms, into knowledge, to help decision-making in smart destinations.
One example is a platform based on the development of a geoportal to monitor and view capacities in tourist spaces, which keeps visitors safe and provides them with information while at the same time providing smart data to the destination.
The focus is on improving the visitor experience through access to tourist information that offers security and confidence in the tourist space to be visited. This information is displayed through a geoportal using a map as a communication tool between the connected tourist and the destination.
The technology used is through a website that can be viewed correctly on mobile devices, since it is necessary to use the technology in a differentiated way given that the use of a website or a mobile phone may differ depending on the travel phase of the tourist:
- In the inspiration and booking phase the tourist predominantly browses on websites, so the website will focus on providing an overview of the tourist destination they are searching for information on in the tourist space that they want to go to.
- In the experience phase the tourist uses a mobile phone, so it will place them directly with the GPS in the area where they are located and the nearest tourist spaces with their characteristics. The web technology will adapt to the mobile to enhance their experience and make it very simple and practical to use.
- In the post-trip phase the tourist will be able to use both tools (web and app) to identify where they have been, sharing it on their social networks, and looking for other similar places that offer them the same confidence and security.
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Technology
En la actualidad el modelo de comercialización es mediante el desarrollo de un producto en formato web/app que se adapta de forma personalizada al destino.
Un modelo que deriva de éste es el uso de los datos obtenidos a través de la elaboración de dashboard o paneles de control gráfico y cartográfico.
Se han desarrollado diversas plataformas de datos inteligentes en diversos territorios a todas las escalas como la global (Colombia), la Europea (proyecto REACH),estatal (Beca Torres Quevedo), autonómica (Zones de Bany), y local (Villa de Planes)
Destaca la aplicación Zones de Bany CV, la plataforma oficial de información de aforos de playas y zonas de baño en tiempo real, desarrollada por Play&go experience para la Generalitat Valenciana a través de la Dirección General para el Avance de la Sociedad Digital
27 de April de 2022
4 de April de 2024
Play&go experience
- Gamificación: utiliza el juego para mejorar la experiencia del viajero, motivándolo a que esté más tiempo y gaste más dinero en el destino.
- Geolocalización: fomenta desplazamientos a puntos de interés. Promociona sus recursos y servicios con información multimedia.
- Realidad aumentada y virtual: conecta el mundo físico y digital para dar más información al usuario y atraerle con recreaciones en 3D de tus recursos.
- Inteligencia artificial y de datos: convierte los datos en conocimientos para tomar mejores decisiones en tu negocio. Consigue leads cualificados y segmentados para vender más.