Next-generation Smart City LED lighting
With good LED lighting and illumination as the starting point, SpaNET is introducing a new generation of LED lighting. These have been developed based on their vision for the future, so lighting will become even more of a smart centre. Thanks to modular construction and open architecture, their Smart City LED lights are prepared for future developments.
Smart Platform
By combining lighting and connectivity, the public lighting smart network can be controlled, monitored and managed remotely. The smart platform will automatically configure the street lighting network, after which each LED light will be immediately visible in the application (or via their back-office platform). Its brokerage layer can be fully linked with all other TALQ version 2.2.0 compliant CMS systems without the need for additional development. Existing or new LED lights from other manufacturers can be integrated into the network and the intelligent platform by using a NEMA wireless module or the MIRA lighting control module (LCM).
Smart Sensors
Its Smart City LED lights are modular (plug and play) and contain one of a series of sensors that allow for example the position, movement, ambient light and energy consumption to be measured. But it is possible to do much more. For example, Smart City LED lights can be enhanced with a humidity meter, motion sensor, sound sensor, particle sensor, Wi-Fi, small cells for 5G technology and much more. They don’t involve lock-ins and are made according to the requirements of each specific location in a city or municipality, adapting to visitors’ specific needs during their stays, and to needs relating to quality of life for local residents.
- Efficient resource management: water/energy/waste/air quality
- Other solutions HW / SW
- Sensoring
- Technology
- Sustainability
SpaNet Business Consulting representa en exclusividad a la sociedad tecnológica SUSTAINDER (, un spin-off de la prestigiosa empresa multinacional PHILIPS. Nuestro socio tecnológico Sustainder diseña, fabrica y comercializa soluciones de Iluminación Pública Inteligente y Ciudad Inteligente para clientes a nivel mundial.
Sus luminarias LED SMART CITY son ampliamente aplicables y están preparadas para el futuro. Con nuestra solución tecnológica e innovadora, los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes (DTI) dispondrán de todas las posibilidades de iluminación inteligente a su alcance, y al mismo tiempo estarán preparados para el futuro, cumpliendo en todo momento los requisitos técnicos del IDAE y CEI.
En un plazo de 4 años desde su fundación se han instalado nuestras luminarias LED SMART CITY en más de 100 municipios en los Países Bajos y en más de 250 municipios en Alemania. En nuestra opinión, muestra que tenemos una solución tecnológica cualitativamente excelente que se considera particularmente diferenciador en el mercado.
27 de April de 2022
11 de April de 2024
Empresa tecnológica que aporta soluciones sostenibles para ciudades, territorios y puertos inteligentes, especializada en iluminación, conectividad y eficiencia energética.
Su visión es el crecimiento de un portafolio global de soluciones tecnológicas de empresas líderes.