Goals and benefits of “Smart Tourism Product System”:
- Having a Smart Tourist System (STS) focused on a specific tourism product, whose particular importance on a regional scale justifies the need for a specialised STS (wine tourism, culture, nature, MICE, etc.) and which is often not effectively covered by a traditional destination STS.
- Taking advantage of the layers of tourism knowledge already available at the destination and integrating them with potential third-party sources relating to the specific tourism product.
- Integrating sustainable tourism indicators for the product within the framework of its triple environmental, economic and socio-cultural focus.
- Intelligent innovations for different relevant tourism products.
- Facilitating governance and knowledge transfer actions to the rest of the stakeholders, both public and private, involved in the tourism product’s value chain.
- Phase 1 (Audit): mapping of information sources and current and potential data sets, focusing on the product under analysis.
- Phase 2 (Design): tailor-made design of indicators and interactive graphics on a world-leading business intelligence and data visualisation platform.
- Phase III (Implementation): delivery of interactive dashboard, 100% operational and with the first data loaded.
- Phase 4 (Updating): training of the destination team to successfully and autonomously manage the regular updates of the data sets included in the Product STS (automatic, mixed and/or manual).
- Phase V (Transfer): total or partial publication of the Product STS on the destination’s official tourism website. Ad-hoc actions to transfer knowledge to the sector.
- Phase 6 (Support): if the destination wishes, an additional permanent Product STS support service can be provided
- Data analytics systems (Big data/BI, etc.)
- Technology
-SIT diseñado e implementado a medida de cada PRODUCTO TURÍSTICO, tanto en contenido como en inversión. -Modalidad flexible de contratación (desarrollo y puesta en marcha inicial; autogestión del destino con acompañamiento permanente; externalización total; etc.)
* “SIT RURAL” (2020): visor de datos del Observatorio de Turismo Rural [https://vimeo.com/535786844] (escapadarural.com/cett-ub/nequest) con datos de oferta y demanda.
* “SIT ENOTURISMO” (2021): creación de un SIT con foco en el producto turístico vinculado a las Rutas del Vino y territorios enoturísticos [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rafael-gonzalez-vivential-value_sostenibilidad-smartdata-smartdestinations-activity-6843443528551432192-UZco], con diferentes capas de datos de oferta y demanda.
* “SIT CULTURA” (2021): creación de un SIT con foco en el producto turístico vinculado al Patrimonio Cultural y Patrimonio de la Humanidad [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rafael-gonzalez-vivential-value_turismo-smartdata-destinosinteligentes-activity-6851060976159096832-OwAi], con diferentes capas de datos de oferta y demanda.
27 de April de 2022
19 de April de 2024
Especializados en innovación en inteligencia turística para destinos competitivos y sostenibles.
Los 3 ejes de trabajo con gestores de destinos son: explotación de Smart Data de oferta y demanda; consultoría en Sistemas de Inteligencia Turística; acciones de Transferencia de Conocimiento al sector.