LOOKISH informative totem displays support their app for municipalities that don’t have a tourist information office, or that even if they do would like to have several tourist information points available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
They are both indoor and outdoor devices with all the features of Windows: they have the full utility of a computer or smartphone on a giant digital touch screen, usually 43″ or 55″ with maximum resolution, which is customisable to the tourist brand of each municipality or destination. Screens come in different shapes and sizes, and are available as totem displays, wall-mounted screens, hanging screens, etc.
When there is no interaction with the totem display, it operates like a digital poster, and can also be programmed through the LOOKISH platform.
It features a trained chatbot that facilitates the real-time connection of agents, making it possible to make IP calls and view the user’s screen, with the user’s authorisation. It also features an interface to exchange documentation efficiently. All information is taken from each customer’s website for reliable responses.
The menu can on the screen can be scanned using a QR code, allowing all the information to be viewed from any device, helping to limit the spread of Covid-19. This menu is customised for each destination.
- Smart Signage/Totems/Tourism Signage
- Marketing/Advertising/Promotion/Graphic design
- Governance
- Technology
Bajo presupuesto.
Tenemos instalados mas de 50 tótems en todo el territorio nacional como pueden ser: Ibi en la provincia de Alicante, 15 en los museos de La Mancomunidad de la Costera-La Canal (Valencia) , 6 tótem en varios puntos de la ciudad de Torremolinos (Málaga), 2 en Consorcio Eder (Ribera de Navarra), 2 en Jumilla (Murcia), 1 en Moncofa (Castellón), 9 en La Mancomunidad de La Safor (Valencia) , 1 en Lora del Rio (Sevilla), 1 en El Poble Nou de Benitatxell, 5 en Albarracín (Teruel) y 1 en Carmona (Sevilla). Tenemos varios proyectos en marcha con la instalación y mantenimiento de 20 tótems en el Consorcio Eder (Ribera de Navarra), 9 en Jerez de los Caballeros (Cáceres), 2 en Tábara (Zamora) y 11 en Tomelloso (Ciudad Real).
en los enlaces url se puede comprobar la personalización del Menú del tótem de alguno de los destinos:
27 de April de 2022
18 de April de 2024
Expertos en desarrollo tecnológico inteligente y audiovisuales aplicados al sector turístico expertos en realidad virtual 360, PLATAFORMA: tótem informativo 24h , cartelería digital y señalética inteligente(Beacons, tarjetas NFC y códigos QR), diseño y programación de web turística y app de destino.