Through the use of 3D reconstructions, the company can create fully interactive virtual environments which tourists can walk through and interact with.
This solution can be used on smartphones and tablets. Its aim is to virtually reconstruct a hyper-realistic space exactly as it was during another era. For example, streets or buildings that used to be located in spots that are now squares or open spaces can be reconstructed.
Users who access this technological solution can take a stroll and see what the area looked like in the past. It allows them to take a trip back in time using their mobile, experiencing it for themselves.
As they aren’t cut off from reality through the use of VR immersive glasses (rather, the VR is on their smartphone or tablet), users can compare the present and past, heightening the experience.
- Visual/virtual environments: videomapping/virtual reality/augmented reality
- Technology
El modelo de comercialización es B2B, ofreciéndose a entidades/instituciones para ser implementadas en espacios como herramienta de comunicación e interpretación del patrimonio
Esta solución está implementada en el Proyecto Piloto 5G de Vodafone del Real Alcázar de Sevilla
27 de April de 2022
5 de April de 2024