Hi+Card is a mobile app that enables users to upload their medical information (illnesses, treatments, allergies, etc.). It also allows them to include and manage all types of health certificates and records (vaccinations and PCRs). Therefore, the application becomes a true Digital Health Passport, covering a long-awaited need for travellers to have the peace of mind that comes with securely storing their medical data. In the event of an emergency anywhere in the world, hi+card allows users to access their data to provide information to medical teams anywhere and at any time, even in a multi-language format if required.
In addition, hi+Card has made a commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It will allocate part of its profits to the creation of a special fund to finance international vaccination campaigns, wherever necessary, and medical research.
- Health
- Technology
App disponible a partir de abril 2021.
Para sumarse a #HiCard, póngase en contacto con: contact@tourismdds.com
Se realizó el primer test en un vuelo real entre Madrid y Canarias en julio de 2020 con la Organización Mundial del Turismo y el Gobierno de Canarias y está disponible a nivel global desde abril de 2021.
27 de April de 2022
17 de April de 2024
Tourism Data Driven Solutions (TDDS) ayuda a los agentes públicos y privados a avanzar en el proceso de digitalización necesario para alcanzar los objetivos de competitividad y sostenibilidad, poniendo especial atención en las personas, la cultura, el medioambiente y la economía.